Holiday Scam Alert

It’s Holiday Season for the bad guys too! But not the way you might think. They go into scam-overdrive mode. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the busiest online shopping days and they are out to get rich with your money. So what do you look out for?

  • At the moment, there are literally thousands of fake sites, looking just like the real thing. Don’t fall for it. Make sure the site you go to is the real one. Type in the address or use your bookmark, do not click on links in emails with special offers. And while we’re at it …
  • Watch out for alerts via email or text that you just received a package from FedEx, UPS or the US Mail, and then asks you for some personal information. Don’t enter anything.
  • Don’t download fake mobile apps that promise big shopping savings, and be very wary of online discount coupons. Think before you click!

So, especially now, the price of freedom is constant alertness and willingness to fight back. Remember to only use credit cards online, never debit cards. If you think you might have been scammed, stay calm and call your credit card company, nix that card and get a new one. Happy Holidays!

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